Banks may be skittish about lending money right now, but this has not deterred those seeking a fresh start in a new business from franchising. One Kalamazoo man serves as a good example of how to turn life experience into a business opportunity even during these tough economic times. Mark Taylor has traveled the world in his work with US Airways and Pfizer Inc., and has now decided to work in education through franchising. According to this article, Mark Taylor and his wife, Sandy, have become owners of the Tutor Doctor franchise that offers one-on-one, in-home tutoring for students from kindergarten through grade 12.
Tutor Doctor is part of a 10-year-old, Toronto-based franchise that operates in Canada, North America and Great Britain. Taylor's job with Pfizer's shuttle service ended last year when the company discontinued the service for its employees. "With Tutor Doctor, Taylor, age 42, and his wife oversee 20 independent educational consultants, who provide consultation with interested students and their families, then schedule tutorial sessions consisting of one-on-one learning in their home"