Friday, March 6, 2009

Tips for Running Your Franchise

Feedback from our last post was so good we are providing another idea for franchisors that may help with the development of their franchise. Conflict resolution is helpful. With solid business experience, a good franchiser leader should be able to identify and manage conflicts before they get out of hand. Though it is important for brand recognition that there be rules that apply evenly to all franchisees, some franchisees may interpret those rules differently. Franchisees also may have different needs. To avoid conflict, it doesn't hurt to consult with a Franchise attorney before things get out of hand. Franchise attorneys are not always on the offensive with court in mind. In fact, many good franchise attorneys know how to nip a potential crisis in the bud with solid negotionation. Some of this can be done behind the scenes to assist the franchisor so that the franchisor remains the "face" contact, but he or she can rely on good counsel to take the appropriate steps for a particular situation.

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